Voice Dialogue Level One Training

Level One Training builds a foundation of understanding of why Voice Dialogue is one of the most engaging, effective, safe, and empowering therapeutic, communications, and leadership training method available today. Through Level One you will map your inner world and get to know the Primary and Disowned Inner Selves (those aspects you know very well, and those lesser known Energies, which yield lost talents, emotions, and skills to bring wholeness and fulfillment to your life. You will understand and experience Awareness or the Objective Witness position which observes your Inner Parts or Energy Patterns at work in your life. The overarching purpose of Voice Dialogue is the development of the Aware Ego Process. This is a large, conscious manager or Conductor of the fascinating Inner sub-personalities. The Aware Ego is what brings choice to life.

Voice Dialogue is about expanding options as to how to view and respond to life’s challenges in effective and successful ways; and how to nurture authentic, thriving, intimate relationships. Participants will learn about: the use of Energy in Voice Dialogue; Bonding Patterns that flatten or destroy relationships; the Inner Critic; the Vulnerable Child; and the rich arena of Dream Work in Voice Dialogue.

In addition to establishing the above foundation, Level One supports each participant to:

  • Experience deep personal work
  • Experience the power of Voice Dialogue by being facilitated by Francesca Starr
  • Understand, map, and separate from Primary and Disowned Selves
  • Experience the energetics of the Selves

Personal Enrichment:

  • Boost your consciousness – Voice Dialogue, at its essence, is a philosophy and method that, when practiced, quickens conscious evolution.
  • Quickly and safely resolve life issues (from the depths of anxiety and depression – to the mystery of peak experiences that can be disconcerting or frightening.)
  • Shift from reactions that don’t serve you to a life of conscious choice.
  • Experience self-mastery, passion, and effective balance between opposites.
  • Gain relationship skills that build less harmful, more loving, thriving, equal partnerships.
  • Gain life skills to attain more of your true potential; what you really want, with less stress.

Professional Enrichment:

  • Create a stand-alone professional niche that sets you apart from the field!
  • Increase referrals due to dramatic results your clients achieve.
  • Voice Dialogue boosts the power of other modalities.
  • Generate more income.
  • Experience renewed passion in your work life.


The training is an interactive, high-impact program that involves exercises, group work, personal sessions, personal reflection and meditation, and teaching demonstrations. You will understand the basic components of the body of work including Voice Dialogue, the Psychology of Selves, and the Aware Ego Process. While Voice Dialogue is a body of work, it is meant to provide adjunctive tools to greatly enhance any other technique and/or modality you are currently using.

This Training is for:

Therapists, coaches, executives and business owners, spiritual/consciousness practitioners, healing arts professionals, educators, other professionals, those interested in personal growth and using relationships as a growth journey.