
Voice Dialogue Level One Training

Level One Trainings take place over two weekends. We meet Friday evenings from 6PM to 9PM, and Saturdays and Sundays from 9AM to 5PM.

Level One Training builds a foundation of understanding of why Voice Dialogue is one of the most engaging, effective, safe, and empowering therapeutic, communications, and leadership training method available today. Through Level One you will map your inner world and get to know the Primary and Disowned Inner Selves (those aspects you know very well, and those lesser known Energies, which yield lost talents, emotions, and skills to bring wholeness and fulfillment to your life.  [ learn more… click here]


Voice Dialogue Level Two Training

Level Two Trainings take place over two weekends. We meet Friday evenings from 6PM to 9PM, and Saturdays and Sundays from 9AM to 5PM.

Level Two Training focuses on building your facilitation skills through personal sessions, observation, and facilitation under supervision. While broadening your understanding of the Psychology of Selves and the application of the Aware Ego Process, Level Two Training gives you the opportunity to map bonding patterns in relationships, work with the energetics of the Inner Selves, and use the Voice Dialogue model for working with dreams. [ learn more… click here]


Voice Dialogue Level Three Training

Level Three Trainings take place over two weekends. We meet Friday evenings from 6PM to 9PM, and Saturdays and Sundays from 9AM to 5PM.

Level Three Training builds on the foundation of understanding and experience of the Voice Dialogue body of work that you developed in Level One and Two Trainings. You will strengthen and deepen your Aware Ego Process in relation to your Inner Selves, and your ability to empower others’ Aware Ego Process work. In Level Three, you will more fully embody the energetics of the Inner Selves. You will deepen your skills with Voice Dialogue as a Relationship-Transforming method. Level Three fine-tunes your facilitation skills including: growing your ability to follow the content and energy of each dialogue, while attending to the over-arching issue at hand, and experiencing various levels of energetic linkage and managing linkage throughout a session.